welcome to Reality Creation coaching.

catapult into the work, love, relationships, and lifestyle you truly want.

all while creating more joy, inner peace, fulfillment, and energy in the everyday.

“to truly live is the rarest thing in the world — most people simply exist."

-Oscar Wilde

here’s what possible for you with private coaching:

(shared from past clients) 😎

BEFORE Reality Creation coaching

Sadness, frustration, & apathy towards dating — which had resulted in not going on a second date in over a year 😔

AFTER Reality Creation coaching

Creating an amazing relationship within 3 months (!!!) and moved in together within one year 🤗

BEFORE Reality Creation coaching

Feeling stressed and overworked at her job — received a frustrating subpar end of year evaluation, despite all of her efforts and energy.

AFTER Reality Creation coaching

Got PROMOTED to her dream role within the same year, while feeling the best she’s ever felt at work! More flexibility, more inner peace, a team to support her, and the capability to decide what she wants to work on each day.

BEFORE Reality Creation coaching

Constantly looking to other people and expectations of what she “should” do and how she “should” approach things.

Feeling judged by family members and friends & questioning herself and her desires in life.

AFTER Reality Creation coaching

Feeling worthy and confident to create stronger boundaries with family members & friends that were unsupportive — tuning into her own energy FIRST and making decisions from there.

Created new friendships that were supportive AND positive.

BEFORE Reality Creation coaching

Feeling stuck and stressed in her everyday life without knowing the best way to change/improve it.

Constantly tired and feeling stuck in a routine that isn’t truly LIVING.

AFTER Reality Creation coaching

Waking up EXCITED for the day ahead — with confidence, purpose, and energy in her work life, personal life, and beyond.

What’s desired by you, is destined for you.

Your desires are safe guidance.

And along the way…

Self doubt is welcome, uncertainty is welcome, excitement is welcome, tears are welcome, nervousness is welcome, sadness is welcome, hesitancy is welcome, inspiration is welcome -

it’s all part of the process of creating your remarkable life and we’ll work through anything and everything you need to reach your desired lifestyle.

Here’s what you can expect throughout Reality Creation private coaching:

  1. Weekly Intention Setting + Priority Creation

    Each week, we’ll get clear together on the top priorities and goals you want to step into.

    Whether it be dating related, relationship related, career/business related, health related, living life related, or anything else — we’ll get crystal clear on what would feel amazing to create for the season ahead.

    We’ll also get clear on one of the most important parts of life — how you want to be feeling as you work towards these goals!

    This allows you to step into your desires with clarity, confidence, and direction instead of feeling confused, behind, or unsure of the best path forward.

2. Re-Program Your Mindset and Limiting Beliefs to Be Supportive & Helpful In Your Goals

When you get clear on your deepest desires and goals, often negative thoughts and limiting beliefs come up that do not help you in creating the reality you want.

Most of the time, your own mind is the biggest contributor to not getting what you want — and it’s actually SLOWING YOU DOWN/STOPPING YOU 👎 and instilling self doubt, feeling unworthy, shame, frustration, sadness, etc 😫

In order to create the reality you want, you must get your mindset working FOR YOU.

To be helpful. To be supportive.

To be trusting of your life and your decisions.

Throughout Reality Creation coaching, you will learn how to re-program your own mindset and beliefs to be empowering and helpful - forever shifting how you operate in the world.

Michelle is certified in the GVM method, a quantum hypnosis methodology that combines hypnotherapy, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), subconscious reprogramming, sound healing, and frequency healing and through a variety of exercises and tools, you will:

  • Use your subconscious mind to your advantage to speed up change

  • Drastically shift how you feel about yourself and what’s possible

  • Create the reality you want with more ease and more flow 🔥

3. Practical Action Steps + Accountability Each Week

After each of our sessions together, you’ll be clear on what action steps to take to put you on the inevitable path to creating your desired lifestyle and Michelle will hold you accountable in a caring and compassionate way.

You’ll receive check-ins with Michelle throughout each week and can send a voice memo or text to ask questions or provide updates at any time in between our calls together. You have full access to send Michelle a voice memo or text message anytime Monday-Thursday and receive a reply within 24 hours or same day.

4. Reflection + Celebration Each Month

If we’re not celebrating how far we’ve come, are we really living a remarkable life??!

Michelle is here to celebrate you throughout all of it, and provide potent reflection questions and exercises to appreciate yourself and what you’ve created along the way.

Hi! I’m Michelle Wax and I’ll be your guide, support, accountability and enthusiasm throughout this life elevating experience.

During your Reality Creation experience, you’ll learn and embody my signature framework, derived from 500+ interviews across 50 states, to create the reality you want in your life.

Here are a few ways I’ve used this framework to create my reality:

-Built 4 lifestyle businesses with multi 6 figure revenue across the past decade. These businesses allowed me to spend my days how I want to, express myself creatively, help people create their ideal lifestyle + reality, and feel fulfilled and purposeful each day.

-Traveled to all 50 states, interviewed 500+ people, and filmed a documentary along the way. Produced and edited the documentary solo, got it onto Amazon — helping thousands of people across the globe create more fulfillment, inner peace, and happiness on a daily basis.

-Created an amazing romantic relationship with a man who allows me to feel loved, supported, and appreciated daily — with a mix of spontaneity, adventure, and lots of living (!!).

-Created new, energizing friendships when I felt my past friendships weren’t aligned with how I wanted to spend my time or the energy I wanted to be around.

-Traveled each year over the past decade at least 2-3 times to places like Santorini, Punta Cana, Israel, Costa Rica, London, Paris, Hawaii, Guatemala, California, and many more.

-Went from dreading any type of workout to finding a workout that I enjoy and am consistent with.

-Moved to my dream apartment filled with lots of light, two blocks from the ocean in Boston, MA.

-And one of my proudest, re-wired my mindset to fully trust the timeline I’m on, embrace uncertainty and change, and cultivate a feeling of joy, trust, and lightness each day.

what’s included

in your private Reality Creation coaching experience:

-Private 60 minute coaching sessions with Michelle every 2 weeks, scheduled at a time that works well for you. You’ll receive practical action steps after each session to create meaningful & lasting change in your life and to keep you moving forward on your path.

-Full access to Michelle in between sessions for questions, accountability, support, brainstorming, enthusiasm, and guidance as you continue to progress and elevate. Send Michelle a voice memo or text anytime and receive a reply within 24 hours (M-F) via the Voxer app.

-Custom mindset reprogramming tools - visualizations each season to align + rewire your subconscious at the deepest level, elevate your mindset, and program your internal dialogue to serve you and your goals — instead of getting in your way

-Seasonal reflection and intention setting to align with your priorities and goals for that season

-Celebratory welcome gift (!!!), delivered straight to your door

-Recommended resources to deepen teachings - podcasts, resources, integration exercises and books, depending on how you like to learn.

Investment + Timeframe

Private Reality Creation coaching is a 6 month commitment, for maximum impact.

Investment options:



Pay in full (save $294!!): $7500

Michelle offers 6 spots total for each season.

Click below to apply.

“how we spend our days — is of course —how we spend our lives.”

Annie Dillard