5 Things I Did To Meet the Love of My Life

To celebrate dating acceleration season (aka enrollment for my signature dating accelerator is officially open!)…

Today I’m sharing the 5 unconventional things I did to meet the love of my life (click the video above to get a glimpse on IG).

  1. Released ALL pressure and expectations attached to our first conversation, our first date, and onward.

    Instead of constantly wondering where things were headed, what his deal was, and if this is a good person to date — I simply enjoyed the process of getting to know him.

    Traded any expectations I had with appreciation for what’s currently happening.

    Self sabotage is real, and often the pressure of what COULD happen stops us from dating a really great person.

  2. Showed up in the energy I wanted to attract in return.

    If I wanted to date someone who was excited to get to know me, confident, spontaneous, and full of life….I had to show up in that SAME energy. What’s important for you in someone you date? Are you showing up in that energy to conversations, dates, and opportunities?

    More on how to do this in this week’s podcast episode.

To go deeper and hear about #3, #4, and #5 of what I did to meet the love of my life — tune into this week’s episode of the Lifestyle Rebellion podcast.

a few success stories from previous clients who enrolled in the dating accelerator:

"Today, my nerves when talking to an attractive girl are almost nonexistent and instead I’m filled with excitement and curiosity when talking to a stranger."

"For the first time in my life, I’m actually enjoying dating! I decided if I didn't try the accelerator out after watching a few video testimonials that I was destined to repeat old patterns and ways. I am SO SO GLAD I did invest it was ABSOLUTELY 150% worth my time and financial investment as well!!

"I'm now in a happy relationship after working with Michelle! But even if I wasn't, my entire mindset and how I feel about myself has shifted. I am lighter, more positive, and have a confidence I've never had." -A.

I've met someone now who is awesome and matches my dream partner exercise that we did in the accelerator. I now know that that man does exist and there are quality men out there!” -T.

I’ve attracted SO many amazing things into my life since working with Michelle in the accelerator. I didn’t think I’d see such HUGE shifts. That was one of the best parts of it — I didn’t realize that this wasn’t only going to help me with dating but in so many other areas of my life too.” -A.

What was amazing for me was that nearly every concept we learned was new and fresh for me throughout the 8 weeks. I loved that I could send a message to you at any time in the accelerator and you would get back to me with personalized answers and support.” -L.


What is the Be The One dating accelerator?

8 week accelerator to elevate your mindset, practical dating strategy, and confidence to create more joy + ease in your dating life and catapult into an amazing relationship that lasts.

The accelerator is customizable for whatever stage in dating you’re at — whether you’re just starting dating, have been dating for years, or anywhere in between :) You can join from anywhere in the world and it’s open to both men and women

What personalized support do I receive throughout the accelerator?

The accelerator is all about implementation — meaning not only do you learn how to transform your dating life…but you ACTUALLY implement and take action on what’s needed.

We’ve had many people who have met their partners while in the accelerator - things can happen VERY quickly (!!)

To help with this implementation, you’ll receive private daily access to Michelle via voice memo and text support throughout the entire 8 weeks.

Ask your specific questions about your dating life, receive weekly accountability from Michelle, and have her enthusiasm and support throughout the entire 8 week accelerator to ensure you’re implementing along the way.

What will I learn inside the accelerator?

Short answer:

Everything you need to elevate your dating mindset, confidence, and practical dating strategy to catapult into an amazing relationship that lasts.

Long answer:

Click here to view the week by week breakdown of what you will learn and experience!

How does it work?

1. Each week for 8 weeks, you receive access to a video module and integration exercise(s) for the week to help embody what you learn into your dating life. Expect to spend about 60-75 minutes each week on each module.

2. Watch the module on your own time throughout the course of the week and text/voice memo Michelle with any questions or thoughts. Each module is customizable for whatever stage in dating you’re at — whether you’re just starting dating, have been dating for years, or anywhere in between :)

3. Michelle responds to all questions or help you need the same week! Click here to check out the topics of what you’ll be learning throughout.

4. You also receive access to all masterclasses mentioned below!

I’m ready to enroll! What do I do next?

Head to www.michellewax.com/betheone and click the dark red ‘I’m ready to enroll!’ button.


5 Unconventional Beliefs That May Offend You


What If Nothing Was Wrong?