An Unpopular Opinion (potentially)
Last week I got a pretty brash email from someone who is clearly hurting emotionally from the events happening around the world.
I think we all feel it. We feel it in the collective energy. We feel it in our own personal lives. We feel it in our souls. We are all connected.
AND I wanted to share an additional perspective as life unfolds this week to try on that has helped me as I move through my own personal feelings.
Some of you may like it. Some of you may not.
The beautiful thing about being a human is we can hold many perspectives at once. We can hold the sadness and the grief, and also allow joy and meaning to ripple through our bodies and our souls.
So here goes…
Perhaps all the hurt and suffering happening is partly here to finally wake you up to the potential of your life NOW.
To wake you up to the deeper level you know is there.
To create some URGENCY around living life in the most fulfilling way you can imagine, because you don’t know what will change or really how much time you have left.
To stop worrying about what other people will or won’t say and finally just go for it.
To stop making excuses about dating and actually create a better experience around it.
To cultivate more of the inner peace and joy you want to be experiencing NOW.
Instead of just saying you’ll do it when you have the time, the money, the energy, and/or the confidence.
Perhaps it’s all here to put an emphasis on the potential of your own life.
And to IGNITE you into action.
To IGNITE you beyond what you’re doing now.
Because you don’t know how much time you have.
And without some urgency, it can be easy to stay in the same comfortable cycle.
But in order to live a truly meaningful life, we must get slightly uncomfortable and go beyond the familiar.
And in a way, death must always be in focus.
Because it’s the deepest and truest urgency and guarantee we have.
So as we go about the next two months closing out 2023, let’s allow ourselves to go deeper into how we can truly live a life of meaning and purpose.
And IGNITE ourselves into action in order to create a positive ripple effect to impact people and the world outward.
In our own unique ways.
In our own unique lifestyles.
I know there is something deeper for you.
And you know exactly what action you need to take.
Have a beautiful start to the week,