3 Ways to Deal with Massive Self Doubt
Yesterday I grabbed lunch with my friend who is starting a new company in Boston.
She was sharing how she had put SO much effort in her recent free samples to prospective customers and hadn’t gotten much feedback or reassurance back.
It led her onto a path of self doubt, and feeling like she should just give up and go back to what she was doing (that had led to massive burnout, unhappiness, and stress). She then asked me:
“Michelle, do you go through the self doubt too? Or is it just me?”
I feel it all the time. I go through it all the time.
Specifically, anytime I’m doing something new or making a change and I’m not sure how things will unfold.
But now having done this multiple times in my life such as…
Leaving my steady tech career to go all in on my cookie company
Filming a documentary solo across 50 states with zero film experience
Breaking up with a long time partner and being single again after 4.5 years
I’ve realized that often you’re not going to have much validation or reassurance about what’s going to happen or if it was the ‘right’ decision.
And it can feel scary. It can feel uncertain. It can feel hard.
But all of that doesn’t mean that things aren’t working out for the better - sometimes you just can’t see it yet.
Just because you have a thought, doesn’t mean that it’s the absolute truth.
You get to decide what the truth is for you and what you’re going to create.
I’ve identified 3 areas that are important in order to not lose my mind or my perseverance along the way when I’m experiencing something new, or want to create a change in my life:
Supportive Community + Coaching
This is a BIG one. I have had a coach and/or been in a group mastermind for 5+ years because once I had a supportive community - everything in my life felt more energizing and more possible. I was (lovingly) held accountable to what I said I was going to do - which allowed me to progress consistently.
It’s important to have the support, perspective, and guidance from someone who has already created a version of what you want — in the WAY that you want.
Daily Mindset Work
I work on my mindset each morning, and it’s the most important thing that has allowed me to build trust in myself and focus on the opportunity instead of all the negative things that could arise.
It’s not to say the negative things don’t come up — but at this point I am quite good at shifting out of that state quickly so it doesn’t hold me down. This is an area that I also work on with my private clients because your mindset impacts everything you do in life so it’s important to have it working FOR you instead of against you.
Patience and Kindness
Also a HUGE piece - always remaining kind towards myself and the timeline that’s unfolding. Knowing that there will be some plot twists, but that’s what makes life exciting, right??
To explore private coaching to eliminate your self doubt across all areas of life, click here.