When Things Aren’t Going the Way You Want…

A few years ago, I met a guy at a bar in Boston.

He asked me what I did, and when I told him…

He said he had also tried to be an entrepreneur and had failed hard at it.

When I asked him what he meant he said:

“I really failed, Michelle. It didn’t work out in the way I wanted it to and I just never think I can get back into it. I basically stopped trying because I failed so hard — I guess it’s just not meant for me.”

When things aren’t working out, it sucks.

I’ve been in many situations where:

  • The relationship ends after years of energy and time invested one person, and I need to begin again.

  • No one signs up for a program I created with all my heart and soul.

  • I feel like I have no friends nearby and feel super lonely on a Friday night.

  • Just feeling blah about day-to-day life…questioning myself and “what I’m even doing”??

  • The date never reaches out after saying they had a great time and would love to do it again - a prime example of actions not aligning with words.

  • I feel extremely stuck/unfulfilled/frustrated in what I’m doing, but not sure of exactly HOW to get out of it.

In these moments of things not going how you’d like…

The meaning you attach to it is crucial to how things progress into the future.

The meaning you attach to these moments is crucial to how you feel about yourself, your life, and your purpose.

It’s your INTERPRETATION that matters.

(In fact, this was the #1 theme (!!!) that leads to a happy and fulfilling life that I discovered across 500+ interviews during my 50 state documentary trip in 2019.)

Does it mean that you aren’t meant to be in a relationship and you’re a complete failure? OR does it mean that you’re now more clear on what’s important to you in a relationship, and you’re going to feel more happy and fulfilled in your next relationship with the right person?

Does is mean that no one will ever want to work with you and your idea is a disaster? OR is it just a natural part of owning a business/trying out something new that you can improve on next time?

Does it mean that you’re always going to be stuck in this same spot and there’s nothing you can do about it? OR do you know it’s a natural part of life to feel stuck and know that you can seek the knowledge, support, and resources to move forward from there on out?

The ability to interpret what’s currently happening — in an empowering way — is a SKILL.

It’s quite easy to just get sucked into the same cycles and patterns that leave you feeling unfulfilled, frustrated, and/or down about what’s going on.

And to allow disempowering interpretations to take over.

But DECIDING your interpretation when things aren’t going according to plan is one of the most powerful skills in order to create the reality you want.

Speaking of which…I have 2 private coaching spots opening (!!) in this month for those who are ready to bring their visions to life and want the supportive accountability, develop the ability to interpret what’s happening in an empowering way, guidance, and enthusiasm needed to do so.

The type of people that invest in this experience and see the results they want are:

  • Open to learning and growing

  • Believe that they can create a different experience for themselves, even if there is only an idea right now

  • Are ready to begin taking action on their intentions

  • Allow themselves to receive support + coaching to help escalate the timeline and process

  • Understand that investing in themselves always compounds and will benefit them for the rest of their lives

  • Love having daily encouragement, a sound board, and enthusiasm along the way

  • Know that a shift in one area of life elevates all areas of life

Click here to explore private coaching.


3 Ways to Deal with Massive Self Doubt


How To Not Take Things Personally