The Power of a “Freak Out” Moment

Last week, one of my clients was having what I like to (lovingly) call a ‘freak out moment’.

Meaning, she wasn’t feeling good about what had happened that night and found herself in a negative thought loop. She was feeling so frustrated because she had put in the effort for the past few months to shift + elevate her mindset and was seeing a lot of progress up until that moment.

How often has this happened to you?? (For me, it’s happened plennnntttyyy of times )

You feel like you’re making progress and then your mind starts to creep in and tell you unhelpful things like:

“No, it hasn’t happened yet so why would you actually think it will soon”

“Look at everyone else around you, you’re so behind and it’s gonna be hard to catch up”

“Why would you think you could do things better this time?”

I reminded her that in the path to creating what she wants —

  • Not every thought needs to be a positive one.

  • We don’t need to take action every single day.

  • We don’t need to always feel confident and completely assured in what we’re doing.

  • Some days it’s beneficial to do the ‘unproductive’ thing.

Because it’s your DEFAULT state that runs the show (aka your life).

Your default state is what you think, feel, and do most often.

It’s your baseline.

And it’s what you’ll come back to — no matter what you achieve, buy, or get in your external world.

(What is your default state of feeling currently, btw? Is it calm? Nervous? Stressed? Excited? Trusting? Grounded? Negative? Loving? Doubtful?)

All of your past thoughts, beliefs, and actions (or inactions) have created the reality you’re now experiencing.

And as you begin to shift and elevate your thoughts, beliefs, and actions consistentlyyou create a new reality.

You create a new default. You create a new baseline.

And you will always come back to this elevated default — no matter what happens externally.

(This happened to me recently — I bought a designer bag I had wanted for a while and after a few days the rush of excitement had worn off and I felt roughly the same as I did before buying it — aka my default).

Now, this is POWERFUL — when your default is a way of thinking, feeling, living, and acting that you want to be experiencing.

Because you have the power. Not anyone else, the scenarios happening around you, material things, or what someone says/does (or doesn’t say/do).

What you decide to think, feel, and do today, and tomorrow, and the next day — it’s all creating your reality into the future.

You can choose to repeat your current patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting — and for the most part, things will remain roughly the same.

Or you can elevate.

Yes, of course it takes intention, effort, and the right support.

But you’re 100% going to continue to think, feel, and do things each day for the rest of your life…

So why not elevate your default and use it to your advantage?!

If you’d love to elevate - you’re exactly who I created my signature Private Coaching experience for. Click here to explore.


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