The Dangers of Positive Thinking
“Stand up if you experience self doubt on a regular basis.”
It’s 2019.
I’m at a conference in Charleston, SC.
In a stadium full of 6,000+ business owners.
I stand up.
99% of the room joins me.
I couldn’t believe it.
It’s not just me??!!
I start tearing up Until this moment, I’ve felt super alone in this.
—> If you’ve ever struggled with self doubt and/or negative thinking…this is for you.
This conference moment was the catalyst to me diving deep into the science behind where self doubt comes from — AND how to move through it to become everything you want to become.
#1. Know that it’s not your fault if your mind tends to experience self doubt.
#2. Know that you have the ability to re-program how you think and what you believe about yourself and what’s possible.
All human beings are wired from birth to have a negativity bias in our thought patterns each day.
It’s why there’s so much negativity, worry, self doubt, and complaining in the world…
And why it’s easier to think about everything that’s NOT going right or could be better…than what actually is working, going right, or progressing in your life.
Give me a head nod if you’ve experienced this yourself
This negativity bias helped us out in primal times to be on alert for what could go wrong in order to keep us alive against real threats (like a bear about to attack you) —
But it’s a bit outdated now since most of us don’t have to deal with that (lol).
—> The good news is — you have the ability to upgrade and re-program this bias with a few simple tools.
To re-program the way you think about yourself, your life, and what’s to come to be helpful.
To see the opportunity, not the lack.
To believe in yourself, instead of questioning if you’re good enough.
To know you absolutely can move through self doubt and transform it into action.
(I teach how to do this in my signature workshop, The Science of Happiness and How To Use It To Your Advantage)
Most people aren’t using our brain’s re-programming ability to their advantage… and they’ll continue to repeat the cycles and patterns they have been.
They’ll allow self doubt, worry, and the unknown to be the driving force in their lives, stopping them from taking action or making change.
But you’re not most people.
The one thing that doesn’t work?
Forced positive thinking.
Because when you try to do a complete 180 and force yourself to ‘just think positive’ —
Your mind
And when you try to force it — you’re actually breaking trust within yourself
So what’s the best step to take if you find yourself in a more negative headspace/mindset?
Shift to neutral thinking.
—> I share exactly HOW to wire your mind for neutral thinking in my Science of Happiness (and How To Use It to Your Advantage) masterclass.
By wiring your brain to think neutrally, you will be able to overcome anything that’s thrown at you in this wild life — all while bringing your goals and dreams to life.