The Life-Changing $18 Email
It’s crazy to think that 20 seconds fully changed the trajectory of my life.
And it went a little something like this:
Hears phone vibrate
Looks down at phone
Sees notification email about a new sale from my website
“AHHHHH I just got my first order in!!! IT IS HAPPENINGGGG!!”
The sale was for $18.
And an insane rush of excitement and expansiveness flooded my body like nothing I had experienced before.
Because this wasn’t just any $18.
This was $18 because of something I had created from nothing.
I had poured my heart and soul into an idea from my brain — that had JUST amounted to cold, hard cash
For me, it was a bag of cookies purchased via my online shop that was heading to a suburb in Massachusetts.
But it doesn’t really matter what that first sale is for or even how much it is for.
What matters is what that first sale UNLOCKS WITHIN YOU.
The POTENTIAL. The spark. The glimmer. The opportunity.
Little did I know that my $18 first sale would lead to…
-Being able to quit my full time job shortly after and fully replace my salary
-Building out a commercial kitchen space and teaching other entrepreneurs how to start and grow their own profitable food businesses
-Working ~15 hours per week thanks to an amazing team I built out for the day-to-day operations
-Having the emotional courage to know when it was time to move on from those food businesses and EXPAND into something new (that’s a whole other story for another day ).
-Feeling fully ALIVE, tapped in, and excited for life each day when I woke up
All of that came from an idea.
It was created from “nothing”.
But none of it was an accident.
It is a deliberate choice to make it happen.
If you’re ready to step into your potential, click here to explore private Reality Creation coaching!