The Sandwich Line That Changed My Life.

Today I wanted to share a short story about how standing in line for a sandwich completely changed the way I look at my life.

And how it could shift the way you see yours too .

In 2017, I attended an entrepreneur conference in Chicago.

At lunch one day, I was waiting in line for a sandwich and struck up a conversation with the guy in front of me.

Turns out his name was Tam and he shared a little bit about his life living in California and why he decided to attend the conference.

As he grabbed his sandwich and turned to walk away, he said something that changed my life forever.

β€œYeah Michelle, each year I want to look back and not even recognize myself from the previous year. For the next 30 years, I don’t want to live the same year 30 times, I want to live a different year for each of them.”

Little did he know, that statement has stayed with me for the past 5 years.

It’s impacted my life, decisions, and relationships more than he will EVER know.

It’s a concept I come back to quite often, when I’m feeling hesitant to make a change, or go after an opportunity, or am feeling self doubt or worry.

It keeps me aligned and on track to how I truly want to be operating in the world.

The thing is…

You never know the full impact you’re making on someone.

This random guy in front of me in line said two simple sentences, and it completely changed the way I looked at my life each year.

And the same goes for you.

You are making an impact with every conversation, every date you go on, every interaction you have throughout your day.

The impact could be good, it could be great, it could be bad, and it could be somewhere in between.

When you start to view life through this lens, it’s a lot simpler to find meaning and purpose in each day.

So the question I have for you today is…

Are you going to be able to look back next year and not even recognize yourself?

Are you going to be in the relationship you want? Feeling supported, loved, appreciated, and passionate?

Are you going to be living life how you want to be living it? With inner peace, confidence, and an energizing mindset that is tapped in to your potential??


If you’d like the support, accountability, enthusiasm, and a clear path to get there β€” this is the perfect time to explore private coaching β€” which you can do at this link!


How To Make Rejection In Your Dating Life The Best Thing Ever


The First Time I Gave My Number to a Guy, This Happened.